Three people recently came out publicly over these past two days one on Facebook, the other two on Youtube. Knowing how hard this is myself, I wanted to share their experiences in their own words.
The first is from a friend of mine who just came out on Facebook.
Something about life that I like, is that I can be myself, and I can express myself in my CJ kinda way. Everyone knows, that CJ is weird, and CJ will always be weird. I love my life, I love my friends, I am so blessed with my talents (one of being a talented musician, and conductor, since the very young age), one who loves working with animals, and educating every customer on proper pet care and nutrition, I am one that enjoys to cook, and bake (and I have loved this since I ever looked to cook and bake). I love the outdoors, and mother nature, and being able to smell the clean fresh rain on a nice rainy day. I am grateful for the many friends that I continue to make, and that I have made. I CJ, am Mormon, and I am gay.
My name is Derek and I'm a Gay Mormon:
And I'm a Gay Mormon:
For LGBTQIA people, coming out can be one of the hardest and most transformative experiences. Not only is it a way to be more authentic with yourself and to others. It is also, in my opinion, a way to express the trust and love a person has for God. Making vulnerable a part of yourself that you have tried to keep hidden for so long can bring a plethora of emotions and uncertainties. I applaud these three for sharing their stories with all of us. I know with their words the world has become a kinder, more sincere, and better place. Thank you CJ, Derek, and Bryan!
Thank you for having love to show,
allowing my soul to grow.
I'll be your friend if you don't have any,
you are not a gift to one,
but a gift for many
(Author unknown)
The more we are open about who we are the more those around who don't understand, will begin to open up and love us.